SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
Academic Events

Graduation ceremony School of Business Master & IBB, IME, MUL, GBL & IML

06:00 PM

The School of Business cordially invites its graduates to its graduation ceremony.

Calendar entry
Absolventen werfen Ihre Barette in die Luft

Graduation ceremony of the School of Business on 23 November 2024

Dear graduates,

We would like to celebrate the end of your studies together in a dignified setting. We would like to cordially invite you, your families and the friends of SRH University Heidelberg to your graduation ceremony on Saturday, 23 November 2024.

The ceremony followed by the presentation of certificates and a champagne reception with buffet will take place in the foyer of SRH University Heidelberg.

Please register yourself using the form below. You will then have the opportunity to register up to 2 accompanying persons. 

Please note the following important points:

  • Please use your matriculation number to register for the graduation ceremony. Please note that due to spatial capacities, the number of accompanying persons is limited. You can bring a maximum of 2 guests. Registration is possible until 22 October 2024. In case of non-participation, we kindly ask you to cancel your registration via the registration field below.

If you have any questions, please contact Carmen Becker.

We look forward to seeing you there and to seeing you graduate in style!

Portraifoto Carmen Becker
Carmen Becker

School of Business | Marketing

Register now:

To register for the graduation ceremony, please use your matriculation number as the activation code. You will then have the opportunity to register yourself and up to two other accompanying persons online. Please note that you must complete the order immediately after activating the registration mask using your matriculation number, as your matriculation number can only be redeemed once.

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