SRH Hochschule Heidelberg

An exceptional mentor inspires me to push my limits and pursue my dreams

Our alumni Shikha Pandey, graduated with a master’s degree of Science in Information Technology and is an Solution Architect at Volkswagen AG.

Tell us what you are doing now and how your professional life is going?

As a Solution Architect at one of the world's leading vehicle manufacturers, I am at the forefront of designing and implementing cutting-edge technology solutions that drive the future of mobility. My role involves translating complex business requirements into scalable, efficient systems that integrate seamlessly across the company's global operations. I work closely with cross-functional teams, including engineers, developers and product managers, to ensure that each solution aligns with the company's strategic goals. I am currently involved in projects such as developing next-generation vehicle architectures or enhancing the connected car experience with innovative software solutions. My work is crucial in shaping the future of transport, where technology and sustainability converge.


Professionally, my career is dynamic and fast-paced, requiring a deep understanding of both technology and the automotive industry. My work is a blend of vision and execution, where every solution I develop contributes to the evolution of the automotive industry and drives the next generation of mobility. My role is not only about solving today's problems, but also about paving the way for the industry's future.

What makes your industry so exciting for you?

"Driving innovation with every design, creating the future of mobility one solution at a time". 

It's a perfect blend of cutting-edge technology, innovation and real-world impact. I get to be part of a field that's constantly evolving, where every day brings new challenges and opportunities to push the boundaries of what's possible. The chance to work on technologies that are shaping the future of mobility - such as electric vehicles, autonomous driving and connected cars - means I'm not just solving today's problems, but helping to define the future of transport. The fast pace of this industry, its global impact and the tangible difference it makes to people's lives fuels my passion and drives me to constantly innovate.

How do you see your future career? What career paths, progression opportunities or areas of expertise would you like to pursue over the next few years?

Over the next few years, I see my career evolving into roles that combine strategic leadership with deep technical expertise. I see myself moving into positions such as Chief Architect or Head of Technology, where I can influence the direction of major projects and drive innovation across the organisation. I'm particularly interested in opportunities that focus on emerging technologies such as autonomous driving, artificial intelligence and sustainable mobility solutions.


In addition, I would like to expand my expertise in areas such as digital transformation, cybersecurity and the Internet of Things (IoT) within the automotive sector. This would allow me to lead initiatives that not only improve the functionality and safety of vehicles, but also create more personalised and connected experiences for users.

The application process is always exciting. How do you remember the period immediately after graduation? Were there any particular challenges?

I vividly remember the excitement of the application process right after graduation, although my path was a little unique. While working on my Master's thesis, I had the incredible opportunity to secure a full-time job before I even graduated. This was something I had planned and worked towards as I knew exactly where I wanted to go. The challenge for me wasn't just about securing a job - it was about balancing the demands of completing my thesis and stepping into a professional role. But this phase was also exhilarating because it marked the transition from theory to real-world impact. It taught me the power of preparation, focus and the importance of seizing opportunities when they arise. Looking back, I see it as a defining moment that set the stage for my career.

What did your studies teach you that has helped you in the working world?

My studies taught me how to approach complex problems with a structured mindset, critical thinking and adaptability. I learned the importance of continuous learning, effective communication and the ability to collaborate across disciplines - skills that are invaluable in the dynamic, fast-paced environment of the working world. These lessons have equipped me to tackle challenges, innovate and make a meaningful contribution to my field.

It has been a long time: How did you decide to study here?

I chose my degree because I wanted to combine my passion for technology with the potential to drive real-world innovation, particularly in transformative industries. It was a clear path to fulfilling my ambition to solve complex problems and shape the future. 

What made your studies at SRH University Heidelberg special?

My studies at SRH University Heidelberg were special because they provided a hands-on, innovative learning environment that really prepared me for the real world. I also worked part-time at the university for the Starklar event for the New Batch Orientation Programme. Winning the Best Master Thesis Award from the IT Department was a testament to my dedication and the inspiring academic culture at SRH, which pushed me to excel and reach my full potential. SRH also gave me the opportunity to give an inspirational talk to the new recruits, explaining the challenges and measures.

What experiences would you like to pass on to students or young alumni on their way?

"Life is a journey, not a destination - take every challenge as an opportunity to grow".

To students and young alumni, I would say: trust the process and be proactive in your learning. The most valuable experiences often come from stepping out of your comfort zone, whether it's taking on challenging projects, seeking mentorship, or balancing work with your studies. My journey has taught me the importance of perseverance, adaptability and the power of networking. Don't be afraid to pursue your passions with confidence and stay curious - these are the keys to unlocking your potential and shaping your future.

Quote to a professor:

"A truly exceptional mentor does more than impart knowledge - they inspire you to push your limits and imagine possibilities you never thought possible. Professor Gottscheber, your unwavering support, encouragement and belief in my abilities have been instrumental in my growth. You've not only shaped my academic path, but also empowered me to pursue my dreams with confidence and passion. Your mentorship has been a guiding light, and for that I am deeply grateful.”

Portraitfoto Julia Beck
Julia Beck

Alumni Management

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