SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
Portraitfoto Studentin vor dem Eingang der SRH Hochschule Heidelberg

The Deutschlandstipendium


The scholarship for young talents

Independent of income and for all social classes: That's what the Deutschlandstipendium stands for. Since summer 2011, it has provided 300 euros per month to support students and first-year students whose careers promise outstanding achievements in their studies and careers, ­half from the federal government and the other half from private donors.

Update Scholarship application

For organizational reasons, the next round of applications for the SRH scholarship will be announced at a later date.

Currently no applications for an SRH scholarship are possible!

Further updates will follow shortly! We ask for your understanding.

Your Scholarship
Logo Deutschlandstipendium BMBF
Your Scholarship

Funding Amount and Application Process

Scholarship holders receive the non-income-related funding of 300 euros per month for at least two semester and at most until the end of the standard period of study, so that they can successfully concentrate on their university education.

Please note that there is no legal entitlement to the Deutschlandstipendium and that scholarship holders must re-apply for further funding via the Deutschlandstipendium. The application portal for the Deutschlandstipendium will be open from 15th June each year. Applications must be submitted via the external portal. Please also submit the signed application agreement. Incomplete applications cannot be considered.

Apply now
Testimonial John Iwueke Deutschlandstipendium
The Deutschlandstipendium had helped me to work less hours in my part time job and put in more time into my projects at school. It has also encouraged me to work harder at school because I know I want to keep getting the support I'm getting.
John Iwueke, Master student Water Technology
Portraitfoto Laura Petruk, Stipendiatin Deutschlandstipendium
The contact to my sponsor has brought me further. Thanks to my sponsor, Prof. Dr. Gehrmann, I was able to do an internship in his child and adolescent psychiatry department and gain my first practical experience in that area.
Laura Petruk, Bachelor Student Psychology
Jose Akeesh, Stipendiat Deutschlandstipendium
This is a fantastic opportunity for any enthusiastic student. The Deutschlandstipendium relieves you of a significant financial burden while also adding considerable value to your resume.
Ajeesh Jose, Master Water Technology
Our Partners

How can I become a supporter?

Foundations, companies and individuals can get involved with the Germany Scholarship at SRH University Heidelberg. Set an example today by supporting young talents. Receiving a Germany Scholarship motivates our students and allows them to study with an even more intense focus and to have more time for voluntary commitment or projects. You can offer scholarship with only 150 € per month during one year. The Federal Goverment supplies the same amount.

There are various reasons why your support matters:

  • You show social responsibility
  • You expand your network
  • You get in contact with young talents
  • You are invited to the certificate handover ceremony and other networking events
  • You are named as a supporter on our website
Portraitfoto Simin Chen
Simin Chen

Admission Office

Information for Supporters


Your questions about the Deutschlandstipendium

Since summer 2011, the Deutschlandstipendium has been supporting students and first-year students whose career path promises outstanding achievements in their studies and profession. They receive 300 euros a month - half from the federal government and the other half from private donors. This alliance of civil society commitment and state funding is what makes the Deutschlandstipendium so special. The concept of achievement on which the scholarship is based is deliberately broad: Good grades and academic achievements are just as much a part of it as the willingness to take on responsibility or the successful mastering of obstacles in one's own life and educational path. Scholarship holders receive the income-independent grant of 300 euros per month for at least two semesters and at most until the end of the standard period of study. This allows you to successfully concentrate on your university education.

Students of all nationalities and all fields of study enrolled at the SRH University Heidelberg can apply for the Deutschlandstipendium. Also a second or supplementary course of studies, a master's course of studies or a part-time/dual course of studies. Part-time students and prospective students waiting for admission can also apply for the Deutschlandstipendium. Doctoral students, students at federal institutions of higher education and students at administrative colleges who are eligible for a scholarship are not eligible.

In accordance with §10 StipG, you are obliged to inform your scholarship office immediately of any changes in circumstances that are relevant to the granting of the scholarship. This applies in particular to intended leave of absence and changes of study programme.

The Deutschlandstipendium is 300 euros per month. 150 euros of this is paid by private sponsors such as companies, foundations, alumni and other private individuals. The other 150 euros are paid by the federal government. The Deutschlandstipendium is paid directly to the scholarship holders by the universities. The funding is awarded independently of income and can also be obtained in addition to BAföG. If sponsors donate more than 150 euros per month for a scholarship, the respective scholarship holder receives the additional amount in addition to the regular sum of 300 euros.

The funding usually lasts for two semesters.

Current scholarship holders must re-apply for an extension of funding via the portal for Deutschlandstipendium.

The application period is from 15 June to 31 July. You can apply at the Deutschlandstipendium Portal. It is an external portal, and you need to create an extra account for the application.

In the application for the winter semester 2023/24, 15 Deutschlandstipendium scholarships are expected to be awarded. 5 scholarships will be awarded without earmarking. And 10 scholarships will be awarded with the following earmarks:

- 7 scholarships for students at the School of Engineering and Architecture,

- 1 scholarship for students at the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences,

- 1 scholarship for students at the School of Business,

- 1 scholarship for students at the School of Business or School of Applied Psychology.

  • Letter of motivation for the scholarship
  • ONE letter of recommendation from a schoolteacher, a university lecturer, or a professor from the respective field of study
  • Current curriculum vitae (CV)
  • School-leaving certificate
  • If applicable, a current overview of grades from your previous studies
  • If applicable, certificate of a first university degree
  • Certificate of enrolment or signed study contract for applicants from EEA countries* or Final Admission Letter for applicants from non-EEA countries**
  • If applicable, proof of special qualifications for the studies (e.g. proof of social engagement, special skills, language certificates, awards, experience abroad, certificates of internships relevant to the studies, certificates of vocational training, etc.).
  • If applicable, reasons that make it difficult or pose special challenges for your studies, e.g. financial or family difficulties, disabilities, etc.

*For applicants from EEA countries: Please note that you must upload the signed study contract and pay the registration fee before the Scholarship Commission meets (early September).

**For applicants from non-EEA countries: You can apply with the Preadmission Letter. However, you must submit the Final Admission Letter (and pay the fees) before the Scholarship Commission meets (early September). If you are awarded the scholarship, the paid tuition fees will be refunded.

Yes, both the rejections and the acceptances will be sent by e-mail. The notification of results is usually in early/mid-September.

No. Scholarship holders do not have to repay the funds they receive.

The selection committee of the university decides on the allocation of funds.

Previous education and academic achievements, letters of recommendation, extra-curricular/social commitment and the applicant's special situation play a role in the selection process.

No. BaföG and the Deutschlandstipendium are two complementary programmes. In principle, students can take advantage of both funding programmes at the same time without reductions. A crediting only takes place if a total amount corresponding to a monthly average of 300 euros is exceeded by the simultaneous receipt of other scholarships. The usual principles of capital accumulation apply to accumulated scholarship funds, i.e. the limit of 5,200 euros does not increase when a scholarship is drawn.

This depends on the amount and type of Deutschlandstipendium. In principle, those who already receive a material support dependent on talent and performance, which amounts to an average of 30 euros or more per month, cannot receive a scholarship for Germany.

The Deutschlandstipendium Programme Act (Stipendienprogramm-Gesetz - StipG) has been designed in such a way that, as a rule, Deutschlandstipendium are not subject to tax or social security contributions. Exceptions may arise in certain constellations of private, state-recognised universities. Please ask your International Office for more information.

Scholarship holders

  • inform the SRH University Heidelberg in case of any circumstances that may lead to a loss of eligibility for funding (e.g. change of study programme, discontinuation of studies, loss of examination entitlement, changes in studies or hardship)
  • submit a performance record at the end of the semester
  • submit a report on the course of their studies once a year
  • engage at least once a year within the university or outside the university.

A detailed briefing will be given after the scholarship has been awarded.

Foundations, companies, and individuals can get involved with the Deutschlandstipendium at SRH University Heidelberg. Set an example today by supporting young talents. Receiving a Deutschlandstipendium motivates our students and allows them to better focus on their study and to have more time for voluntary commitment or projects. You can offer scholarship with only 150 € per month within one year. The Federal Government supplies the same amount.

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