SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
Hochschulmitarbeiterin am Schreibtisch

Erasmus+ for further education and training

Are you an employee of SRH University Heidelberg? Then you can apply for funding for staff mobility for further education and training purposes. Possible activities include visits to International Weeks, observation, job shadowing, study visits, involvement in curriculum development, participation in workshops and seminars, and participation in language courses.

Your mobility funding
Your mobility funding

Funding amount 2024/2025

Stays, and therefore funding, are possible at all Erasmus+ partner universities of SRH University Heidelberg and at certain Erasmus+ certified organisations and training facilities (for more information, please contact our Erasmus+ Coordinator Iris Ulbrich.

The duration of the staff mobility is 2 to 14 days. Longer stays (of up to 60 days) may also be possible on request. The programme does not cover virtual courses.

The amount of the subsistence allowance depends on the country of destination:

  • € 180 per day for: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom
  • € 160 per day for: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
  • € 140 per day for: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey.

Increased disturbance allowances for “Green Travel” (Trip by train or bus instead of flight). Additionally up to 4 travel days can be funded if required!

The reimbursement of travel costs for Erasmus+ mobility depends on the travel distances: 

  • 10-99 km: € 23 travel allowance
  • 100-499 km: € 180 travel allowance (210 € for "Green Travel")
  • 500-1.999 km: € 275 travel allowance (320 € for "Green Travel")
  • 2.000-2.999 km: € 360 travel allowance (410 € for "Green Travel")
  • 3.000-3.999 km: € 530 travel allowance (610 € for "Green Travel")
  • 4.000-7.999 km: € 820 travel allowance
  • 8.000 km und mehr: € 1.500 travel allowance
Erasmus+ Distance Calculator
Studentin mit Globus
International Network
Our Partner Universities worldwide

SRH University Heidelberg maintains a broad network of partnerships around the world. We are constantly looking for new opportunities to offer you unique experiences worldwide.

How to apply

Getting your documents ready

Before your staff mobility (start at least 3 months beforehand)

  1. Contact your chosen Erasmus+ partner university or other organisations, and establish whether and when your staff mobility may be possible
  2. Tell the International Office of SRH University Heidelberg about your plans
  3. Seek written approval of your planned journey from the President’s Office and your dean or line manager (see guidelines for travel on official business). However, you must organise the actual trip (flight, accommodation, etc.) yourself without funding from Reisebüro Frentzen, because the Erasmus+ funding will be transferred to your private account. If you prefer to book through Reisebüro Frentzen, please notify our Erasmus+ Coordinator, Iris Ulbrich, in which case the fixed travel allowance will remain with SRH University Heidelberg.
  4. Submit the following documents to the Erasmus University Coordinator Iris Ulbrich at least 4 weeks before your planned departure. The Erasmus funding will then be transferred within around 2 weeks.
    • Mobility agreement training containing your signature and a signature from the host university or other institution; the Erasmus University Coordinator, Iris Ulbrich, is responsible for signing this agreement for SRH University Heidelberg.
    • Erasmus Grant Agreement (grant agreement containing your data)
    • Approval by the President’s Office and your dean or line manager

During your staff mobility

  • On the last day of your staff mobility, ask someone at the host institution to sign the Confirmation Letter Training Mobility.

After your staff mobility

  • Submit your Confirmation Letter Training Mobility to our University Coordinator Iris Ulbrich. 
  • Complete the EU Survey (final report) as soon as you receive the request by email.

Please note: Failure to complete the above steps will result in having to return the entire Erasmus grant!

Good to know


Possible activities include visits to International Weeks, observation, job shadowing, study visits, involvement in curriculum development, participation in workshops and seminars, and participation in language courses. The programme does not cover travel for research purposes or for simply attending a conference (in this case, please contact our “Institute for Applied Research”).

Stays, and therefore funding, are possible at all Erasmus+ partner universities of SRH University Heidelberg and at certain Erasmus+ certified organisations and training facilities (for more information, please contact our Erasmus+ Coordinator Iris Ulbrich.

All employees of SRH University Heidelberg are eligible for this programme.