SRH Hochschule Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. Jutta Milde

Faculty of Information, Media and Design | Professor

Room: LGS 6, OG 2, 216
Fax: +49 6221 6799-202
Phone: +49 6221 6799-221
Portraitfoto Jutta Milde
About me

About me

Professor of Media Management at the SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg
Interdisciplinary Research Group (IFG) Environment at the University of Koblenz-Landau

Postdoctoral researcher and research group leader

Research assistant at the Chair of Fundamentals of Media Communication and Media Effects, Institute of Communication Science, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Project employee at GIM - Gesellschaft für innovative Marktforschung, Heidelberg
Freelancer at Südwestrundfunk Baden-Baden media research
Doctorate in Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena on the topic ‘Comprehensibility of science films on television’
Doctoral Prize of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Degree in Social Sciences at the University of Wuppertal
2. spokesperson for the Science Communication Section of the German Society for Journalism and Communication (DGPuK)
Member of the scientific advisory board of the journal Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft

Memberships in professional societies & expert activities

German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK, specialist group ‘Reception and Impact Research’, ‘Visual Communication’, ‘Science Communication’); International Communication Association (ICA); European Communication Research and Education Association


I have contributed to these publications

Books and brochures

  • Milde, J., Welzenbach-Vogel, I. & Dern, M. (eds.) (2021): Intention and reception of science communication. Herbert von Harlem publishing house.
  • Bonfadelli, H., Fähnrich, B., Lüthje, C., Milde, J., Rhomberg, M. & Schäfer M. S. (2017): Research field science communication. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Günther, L., Ruhrmann, G. & Milde, J. (2011): Pandemic: Public perception of health risks and consequences for risk and crisis communication. Berlin: Public Security Research Forum, Security Series, No. 7
  • Ruhrmann, G., Milde, J.& Zillich, A. F. (2011) (eds.): Molecular medicine and the media. On the presentation and impact of a controversial scientific topic. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Milde, J. (2009): Communicating and understanding. An empirical study on the comprehensibility of TV science films. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


  • Maier, M., Guenther, L., Ruhrmann, G., Barkela, B., & Milde, J. (2018). Communicating unconfirmed scientific evidence - Challenges for scientists, journalists and audiences. In N. Janich & L. Rhein (Eds.), Uncertainty as a challenge for science. Reflections from the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities (pp. 93-111). Berlin et al: Peter Lang.
  • Maier, M., Milde, J., Post, S., Günther, L., Ruhrmann, G., & Barkela, B. (2016). Communicating scientific evidence: scientists‘, journalists’ and audiences' ex-pectations and evaluations regarding the representation of scientific uncertainty. Communications, 41(3), 239-264.
  • Milde, J. & Barkela, B. (2016): How recipients deal with scientific uncertainty: Expectations and evaluations in the reception of nanotechnology on television. In: Ruhrmann, G., Kessler, S. & Günther, L.: Science communication between risk and (in)certainty. Cologne: Herbert Harlem Verlag, 193-211.
  • Vogel, I., Milde, J., Stengel, K., Staab, S., Kling, C. C. & Kunegis, J. (2015). Online news and trust. A communication science overview. Data protection and data security. S. 312-316
  • Ruhrmann, G., Guenther, L., Kessler, S.H., & Milde, J. (2015). Frames of scientific evidence: How journalists represent the (un)certainty of molecular medicine in science television programmes. Public Understanding of Science, 24(6), 681-696.
  • Guenther, L., Froehlich, K., Milde, J., Heidecke, G., & Ruhrmann, G. (2015). Effects of valenced media frames of cancer diagnoses and therapies: Quantifying the transformation and establishing of evaluative schemas. Health Communication, 30(11), 1055-1064.
  • Milde, J., Guenther, L., & Ruhrmann, G. (2014). Journalists' perceptions and reporting on scientific uncertainty and risks of nanotechnology. In PCST (Ed.), Proceedings of PCST 2014.
  • Guenther, L., Milde, J., Ruhrmann, G., & Heidecke, G. (2013). The transformation of recipient frames: An impact study on media reports about cancer diagnosis and therapy procedures. In Rossmann, C. & Hastall, M.R. (Eds.), Media and health communication: findings, developments, challenges (pp. 49-64). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Heidmann, I. & Milde, J.* (2013): Communication about nanoparticle research: How scientists and science journalists deal with uncertainty. In: Environmental Sci-ences Europe. [*equal contribution].
  • Milde, J. & Ruhrmann, G. (2006): Molecular medicine in German TV science programmes. Results of journalist interviews and content analyses. In: Media & Communication Science, 54th Vol., No. 3, pp. 430-456.
  • Gerhards, M., Klingler, W. & Milde, J. (1998): Radio as a medium for young people. The role of radio for young people in the context of multimedia. In: Media Perspectives. No. 1. pp. 570-577.

Non Peer-Review

  • Fähnrich, B. & Milde, J., 2016: Completely in English - what would that mean? Aviso No. 63, Winter 2016/17, pp. 3-4.
  • Ruhrmann, G. & Milde, J. (2006): Molecular medicine and television. Research report for the BMBF/DLR. Jena.
  • Milde, J. & Ruhrmann, G. (2005). Does science educate in the living room? In: Attempto, Forum of the University of Tübingen, October, pp. 18-19.
  • Ruhrmann, G., Milde, J. & Hölig, S. (2004): Television and molecular medicine - a research project, In: GenomXPress, No. 2. pp. 18-19.

Book chapter

  • Milde, J., Welzenbach-Vogel, I., Stengel, K. & Dern, M. (2021). Trust in the success of the energy transition through media coverage? A content analysis of journalistic articles on German online news portals considering trust-relevant statements on actors involved in the energy transition. In: Milde, J., Welzenbach-Vogel, I. & Dern, M. (eds.): Intention and reception of science communication. Herbert von Halem Publishers.
  • Milde, J., Welzenbach-Vogel, I. & Dern, M. (2021): Intention and reception of science communication. In: Milde, J., Welzenbach-Vogel, I. & Dern, M. (Eds.): Intention and reception of science communication. Herbert von Halem Publishing House.
  • Milde, J. (2017): Communication about key technologies. In: Bonfadelli, H., Fähnrich, B., Lüthje, C., Milde, J., Rhomberg, M. & Schäfer M. S. (eds.): Forschungsfeld Wissenschaftskommunikation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 373-389.
  • Bonfadelli, H., Fähnrich, B., Lüthje, C., Milde, J., Rhomberg, M. & Schäfer M. S. (2017): Research field science communication - An introduction. in: Heinz Bonfadelli, Birte Fähnrich, Corinna Lüthje, Jutta Milde, Markus Rhomberg & Mike S. Schäfer (eds.): Forschungsfeld Wissenschaftskommunikation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 3-14.
  • Milde, J. (2013). Analysing knowledge-mediating television formats on the basis of theoretical and empirical implications from (text) comprehensibility research. In Schröpf, R. (ed.), Media as a means of urban communication. Franco-German perspectives. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, pp. 143-162.
  • Milde, J. & Hölig, S. (2011): ‘The image is stronger than the word’ - Selection and presentation criteria of TV science journalists on the topic of molecular medicine. In Ruhrmann, G., Milde, J. & Zillich, A. F. (eds.): Molecular medicine and the media. On the representation and impact of a controversial scientific topic. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 71-97.
  • Milde, J. (2011): Science films on television: An experimental study on the comprehension performance of recipients using the example of molecular medicine. In: Ruhrmann, G., Milde, J. & Zillich, A. F. (Eds.): Molecular medicine and the media. On the representation and impact of a controversial scientific topic. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. S. 175-207.
  • Ruhrmann, G. & Milde, J. (2011): On the news value of molecular medicine - A content analysis of TV reports 1995 to 2004. in: Ruhrmann, G., Milde, J. & Zillich, A. F. (eds.): Molecular medicine and the media. On the representation and impact of a controversial scientific topic. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 99-119.
  • Ruhrmann, G., Zillich, A. F. & Milde, J. (2011): From science-dominated to socially contextualised science communication? Outlook and perspectives. In: Ruhrmann, G., Milde, J. & Zillich, A. F. (eds.): Molecular medicine and the media. On the representation and impact of a controversial scientific topic. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 209-220.
  • Gerhards, M., Klingler, W. & Milde, J. (2001): Radio as a medium for young people. In: Kahlert, J., Schröder, M. & Schwaneck, A. (Eds.): Listening. An adventure. Munich: Verlag Reinhard Fischer, pp. 159-176.


  • Milde, J. (2015): Senja Post: Truth criteria of journalists and scientists. Baden-Baden: Nomos. In: Journalism, 60th vol., pp. 101-102 (review).
  • Milde, J. (2013): Irene Neverla, Mike S. Schäfer: The media climate. Questions and findings of communication science climate research. In: Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 61st vol., pp. 607-609 (review).
  • Milde, J. (2010): Katharina Kowalewski: ‘Prime time’ for science? Science reporting in the main television news programmes in Germany and France"/ Bernhard Seiler: Television that creates knowledge. Research topics in magazine and documentary formats. In: Medien & Kommunikationswissen-schaft, 58th vol., pp. 586-587 (collective review).
  • Milde, J. & Ruhrmann, G. (2007): Martina Leonarz: Genetic engineering on television. A framing analysis / Jürgen Gerhards, Mike S. Schäfer: Die Herstellung einer öf-fentlichen Hegemonie. Human genome research in the German and US press. In: Journalism, 52nd Vol., No. 1, pp. 118-120 (collective review).

Conference papers and presentations

  • Milde, J., K. Muñoz, I. Bablok, M. Schäfer, G. Reese, M. Maier, G. E. Schaumann, M. Schmitt (2018, June): B.Sc. Man and Environment: Interdisciplinary and multi-dimensional teaching as a contribution to the implementation of Agenda 2030. Presentation at the LS Research Colloquium 2018: ‘Universities and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Modernisation and Transformation", HAW Hamburg.
  • Schaefer, M., Heidbreder, L.M., Meyer, M., Steinmetz, Z., Muñoz, K., Milde, J., Pro-ject PLAST. Dealing with environmental risks of plastic usage and consumption: An interdisciplinary contribution towards ecological transformation. Poster contribution at the Plastic Waste Symposium of HAW Hamburg, 04.06.2018.
  • Milde, J. & Werling, K. (2017, September): Plastic in the media. Risk assessment and sustainabilitiy communication. Presentation at the symposium ‘Challenges to a sustainable use of plastic: Interdisciplinary perspectives on a compatible use for humans and the environment’, Landau.
  • Dern, M., Milde, J., Barkela, B. & Retzbach, A (2017, April): Discrepancies in the perception of scientific uncertainty: A qualitative study on the influence of the understanding of science on the reception of science programmes: Presentation at the 1st Annual Conference of the Science Communication Section of the DGPuK, Landau.
  • Milde, J. & Günther, L. (2016, April): What journalists think and recipients want. A case study on expectations and evaluations of reporting on the scientific evidence of nanotechnology. Presentation at the DGPuK annual conference in Leipzig.
  • Maier, M., Milde, J., Post, S., Guenther, L., Barkela, B. & Ruhrmann, G. (2016, February). Scientists‘ motivations to talk about uncertainties in biotechnological re-search in public as compared to journalists’ and audience perceptions. AAAS annual meeting, Washington D.C.
  • Milde, J. & Günther, L. (2015, September): How do journalists communicate scientific evidence? Presentation at the closing event of the DFG-funded priority programme ‘Science and the Public - Understanding Fragile and Conflicting Evidence’ (SPP1409).
  • Vogel, I. & Milde, J. (2015, July): Online news, trust and the energy transition. A qualitative content analysis of trust-relevant attributes of actors associated with the energy transition. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Montréal, Canada.
  • Milde, J. (2015, June): Understandable science? Forms of presentation in TV journalism and their reception. Presentation at the conference ‘Wissen in Bewe-gung. Constitution and communication of scientific knowledge in film. KIT Karlsruhe.
  • Milde, J. (2015, March): Uncertainty in the media. Journalistic perspectives and methodological consequences for media content analysis. Presentation at the conference ‘Unsicherheit als Herausforderung für die Wissenschaft - natur-, geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven’, TU Darmstadt.
  • Milde, J., Barkela, B. & Retzbach, A (2015, January): How recipients deal with uncertainty. The role of expectations, usage motives and evaluations in the reception of nanotechnology on television. Presentation at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Ad Hoc Group ‘Science Communication’ of the DGPuK, Je-na.
  • Günther, L., Milde, J. & Ruhrmann, G. (2014, Mai): Wahrnehmung und Berichterstattung von Journalisten über wissenschaftliche Unsicherheiten und Risiken der Nanotechnologie: Results from in-terviews and a content analysis. Papier angenommen auf der 64. ICA-Jahreskonferenz, Seattle, Washington.
  • Heidmann, I. & Milde, J. (2014, Mai) Uncertainties in environmental nanoparticle research: what is communicated in scientific literature and mass media. SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, in Basel, Schweiz.
  • Milde, J., Günther, L. & Ruhrmann, G. (2014, Mai): Journalists' Perceptions and Reporting on Scientific Uncertainty and Risks of Nanotechnology. Vortrag auf der 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technol-ogy Conference (PCST), Salvador, Brasil.
  • Heidmann, I. & Milde, J. (2014, April): Communication about scientific uncertainty in environmental nanoparticle research - a comparison of scientific literature and mass media. Paper accepted aT the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assambly, Vienna, Austria.
  • Vogel, I., Stengel, K., Milde, J., Staab, S., Kling, C.C. & Kunegis, J. (2014, March): Trust and the energy transition. Developing and validating an instrument for computer-assisted content analysis of trust-relevant atributes in media reports.  Paper presented at the XV Workshop of Qualitative Research in Psychology, Weingarten, Germany.
  • Milde, J., Günther, L. & Ruhrmann, G. (2014, January): Journalistic perception and reporting on scientific uncertainty and risks of nanotechnology. Presentation at the 1st Annual Conference of the Ad Hoc Group ‘Science Communication’ of the DGPuK, Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Milde, J. (2013, June): Evaluating the communication about nanotechnology: How science journalists deal with scientific uncertainty and risks. Results from a content analysis on the media's coverage in Germany. Paper presented at IAMCR Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Heidmann, I., Milde, J., Retzbach, A. & Werner, M. (2011, December): Risk technologies: The political and social handling. Lecture as part of the ‘Academy Talks’ series in Landau.
  • Milde, J. (2011, August): Health Guide Television? The Representation of Health and Medical Content in German Health TV Shows. Paper angenommen für die 2011 Fifth Annual National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media. Atlanta, GA (USA).
  • Günther, L., Milde, J. & Ruhrmann, G. (2011, August): Die Wirkung von Krebstherapiedarstellungen in den Medien auf das Publikum: A Framing Analysis. Paper presented at the 2011 National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Me-dia, Atlanta, GA (USA).
  • Ruhrmann, G., Milde, J. & Günther, L. (2011, Juni): Framing Scientific Evidence of Molecular Medicine in Science-TV-Sendungen. Paper presented at the DFG-NSF Conference „Public Understanding and Public Engagement with Science“. New York (USA).
  • Milde, J., Günther, L. & Ruhrmann, G. (2011, Mai): Framing Scientific Evidence in German Science TV-Shows. Vortrag auf der Jahreskonferenz 2011 der International Communication Association (ICA) in Boston (USA).
  • Milde, J. (2010, November): Strategies for recipient-orientated science communication with science films. Presentation at the 3rd Science Communication Forum, Mannheim.
  • Milde, J. (2013, May): ‘Small particles, big risk’? How journalists deal with uncertainties in nano-research. A content analysis of German media coverage. Presentation at the DGPuK Annual Conference 2013, Mainz.
  • Milde, J. (2011, December): ‘Umweltwissen-Umwelthandeln’ - Für eine verbesserte Umweltkommunikation zwischen Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit. A transdisciplinary research project. Presentation at the 4th Forum on Science Communication, Cologne.
  • Milde, J., Günther, L. & Ruhrmann, G. (2010, October): Representation of Scientific Evidence in Science TV Shows. Presentation at the 3rd European Communication Conference of ECREA ‘Transcultural Communication and Intercultural Com-parisons’, Hamburg.
  • Milde, J. (2010, October): Analysing knowledge-mediating television formats on the basis of theoretical and empirical implications from (text) comprehensibility research. Paper accepted for the 7th Congress of the Francoromanist Association Stadt-Kultur-Raum, Section 6 ‘Medien als Mittel urbaner Kommunikation’, Essen.
  • Milde, J., Bockelmann, J., Ruhrmann, G., Maier, M. & Marshall, J. (2010, July): Comprehension of Fragile and Conflicting Scientific Evidence on the Basis of Media and Recipients' Frames. Paper presented at the IAMCR 2010 Conference ‘Communication and Citizenship - Rethinking Crisis and Change’, Braga/Portugal.
  • Ruhrmann, G., Maier, M., Bockelmann, J., Marschall, J. & Milde, J. (2010, July): Representation of Scientific Evidence in Science TV Shows and the Public Un-derstanding of Fragile Scientific Evidence. Presented at the 5th Science and the Public Conference, London/GB.
  • Milde, J. (2010, February): The comprehension model of audio-visual knowledge transfer: A proposal for multimodal comprehensibility analysis using the example of TV science programmes. Paper presented at the conference ‘Bild-Sprache-Multimodalität’ organised by the DGPuK specialist groups ‘Visual Communication’ and ‘Media Language and Media Discourse’ and the Media Communication section of the Society for Applied Linguistics, Mainz.
  • Milde, J. & Ruhrmann, G. (2007, May): The reception of TV science programmes: Perception and evaluation of science reporting using the example of biomedicine. Presentation at the DGPuK annual conference 2007, Bamberg.
  • Ruhrmann, G. & Milde, J. (2005, November): Molecular medicine in the public sphere. Results from communication science. Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg. Mannheim.
  • Ruhrmann, G. & Milde, J. (2005, September): Molecular medicine and television. An empirical study on presentation and reception from 1995 to 2005. Status seminar of the bioethics projects funded by the BMBF. Berlin.
  • Milde, J. (2005, July): Molecular medicine on television. An analysis of content and recipients. Institute for Science and Technology Studies at the University of Bielefeld. Bielefeld.
  • Milde, J. & Zillich, A. (2005, May): More images - less ethics? Observations on the coverage of molecular medicine in television news from 1995 to 2004. Paper presented at the DGPuK Annual Conference, Hamburg.
  • Ruhrmann, G. & Milde, J. (2005, April): Science and Television. Production, content and recipient analyses of TV reporting on molecular medicine in Germany. Conference ‘Forschung in den Schlagzeilen - Biomedizin und Reproduktionstechniken in den Massenmedien’. Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld.
  • Ruhrmann, G., Milde, J. & Zillich, A. (2005): Science and television. Production, content and recipient analysis of TV reporting on molecular medicine. Poster presented at the conference ‘Forschung in den Schlagzeilen - Biomedizin und Reproduktionstechniken in den Massenmedien’. Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld, 22.04.2005.
  • Ruhrmann, G. & Milde, J. (2004, October): Discrepancies between the demands of science journalists, the reality in television science programmes and the wishes of the viewer. Central training course for ARD/ZDF programme staff (ZFP), Berlin.
  • Milde, J. (2003, May): Communication as a success factor: Communication and media strategies. Workshop ART-KON-TOR Platform 360°. Jena.
  • Ruhrmann, G. & Milde, J. (2003, April): Mass media and molecular medicine. Status seminar BMBF-DLR. Bonn.